1. Warm East Sussex
  2. Resources for frontline workers
  3. Leaflets and promotional materials

Leaflets and promotional materials

How to order

If you work with people living in a cold home or in fuel poverty, you can order printed copies of our promotional materials.

We aim to process orders within 5 working days.

Email: fuelpoverty@hastings.gov.uk including:

  • Order code  / number you need
  • Your contact details (full name and organisation)
  • Your delivery address

Leaflets and resources

Keep warm and well booklet - order code FP1

This short booklet covers top tips for keeping warm and well.

Warm home check service poster - order code FP3

A3 poster to raise awareness of the Warm Home Check Service.

Keep warm, keep well thermometer postcard - order code FP4

A handy postcard which reminds households to maintain a minimum temperature of 18 degrees.

Easy Read leaflet - order code FP5

An Easy Read leaflet outlining the support available from the Warm Home Check service.