Top tips to keep well

Top tips to keep well in cold weather


There are some simple ways to stay warm, healthy and well during colder weather. Here are our tops tips:

  1.  Don’t put off getting the flu vaccination. If you’re eligible get it now. It’s free because you need it.
  2.  Heat your home to at least 18°C (65°F), if you can, you might prefer your living room to be slightly warmer.
  3.  Wrap up warm and wear non-slip footwear both indoors and out.
  4.  When you’re indoors, try not to sit still for more than an hour or so. Get up and stretch your legs.
  5.  Layer your clothes as this helps to trap in warm air.
  6.  Have hot meals and drinks to help keep you warm.
  7.  Get financial help to improve heating or help with fuel bills.
  8.  Be prepared for cold weather – have enough food and prescription medicines at home.
  9.  Have heating and cooking appliances checked.
  10.  Look after yourself and check on older neighbours.
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